This Chapter is important to me because this chapter explains the fundamental of starting success in life. It explains the importance of the book and the important of being successful. The chapter explains that many college students feel that they do not need this course, but in reality they may need all the help they can get. There are three princoples of deep and last learning, they are:
1. Prior Learning
2. Quality of Processing
3. Quantity of Processing
These Principles help me and the reader understand that these are great ways to be a more active successful person. Most human brains are driven off of a "neural network". These networks help us remember or to learn objectives in life. For example, the reason it takes a person a long time to learn a new device is lack of experience but if someone been working with that device is because of prior knowledge.
One of the most important learning system is "The Core Learning System"--"CORE" stands for
1. Collect
3. Rehearse
4. Evaluate
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