Sunday, September 12, 2010

I-search Draft

My issue will be on children healthcare. The reason why I picked this topic is because I have family member that either stayed in a hospital, had an illness and/or transplant situation. In the past few years, the government had made big changes in their spending on health care. There is a constant battle with the new health-care bill passed this year. As a result, the government is having a hard time balancing out cost in this field. I feel that children are at risk the most because of the fact they cannot work. Many families do have private insurance to cover their children, but many don’t. This is because of the high unemployment rate in America. When the unemployed parent(s) can’t get insurance, they can go on government insurance, but for how long? Even if the child stays on all their 18 years, the government controls the plan.

To get a better understand of this, I hope to volunteer in the children field of health so I can see thro there point of view and possibly their families to see what their opinion is.

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