Monday, March 7, 2011

Daily Writing 3/7/11

Choose one of the quotes below from Re-Imagining Change. What does it mean to you? How does it relate to what you've read in this book? How does it relate to the assignments you can create this semester? (Writing for Community/Writing in the Disciplines/Showcase Presentation)

"Just as our bodies are made of blood and flesh, our identities are made of narratives." (17)

"In order to make systemic social changes, change agents much understand the histories and institutions that underlie contemporary social systems, as well as how these histories and institutions shape culture." (19)

"Identifying and challenging underlying assumptions is probably the most important element to changing a story." (39)

Overview of Chapters 1 and 2 with footnote presentations.

What is a Narrative Power Analysis?

What is a meme?


Ideas for Assignments?

My Answers:

"Identifying and challenging underlying assumptions is probably the most important element to changing a story." (39)

In order to help change a story, you need to know what you are trying to change. I have to find out what assumptions are currently active in this community and challenge them. I have to challenge them to see if they are correct. I can use this in this semester when we did the NOFO. We have to find out what are really issues in this community and find ways to fix them.

Narrative Power Analysis

A framework to show the interaction between narrative and the relation on power

Meme--A unit used in Culture.

I do not have any questions at this time

We could get more hands on with this assignment, maybe a field trip? Maybe a community involvement?

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