Monday, September 27, 2010

Daily Writing Sept. 27, 2010

  • What are the three kinds of rhetorical appeals and how do they work?
  • Describe the three approaches to argument defined in chapter 14 in your own words. As you describe them, provide examples. These should be examples that you make up--not ones from the book or from online. Which kinds of arguments have you had experience writing--provide a brief example if you can.
1. ethos, pathos, and logos.

2. In this chapter talks about cause and effect/Rhetorical Appeals.

Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Daily Blog Sept. 15

Revising means to go back and fix errors in a paper. Essays can be a good example. Once you write an essay, you can go back and reread it. If you found errors (or can not), give it to someone else. This way you can have another set of eyes looking for more errors. There input is called "Peer Input", you do not have to take their advice, but is highly recommended. They opinion can possibly make your essay even better. This is because they can take your idea even more out of the box. The best kind of "peer input" is positive feedback. Negative Feedback is to "bad" to the reader cause of the put-downs it involves. Positive input could be something like..."I live your idea but maybe it could be better by..."

Tuesday, September 14, 2010

Taking Stock PRP

Taking Stock 1--I am aware in this course we will be keeping a portfolio of all of our work. Back in my 12th grade year in high school, my teacher had us keep a portfolio with all of our work. This was not an electronic one, more like a paperback one.

In this English class, i believe since we will be writing a lot of business letters, keeping them together will be a great idea. This is because, we can see the process we gain over the sememter/year. I have not really written a "NOFO", so this should be an experience for me.                                                             

Taking Stock 2--

Taking Stock 3--
  1. Middle of the day
  2. In my bedroom
  3. I listen to the radio
  4. You need to be universal; meaning you should be able to write anywhere.

Sunday, September 12, 2010

I-search Draft

My issue will be on children healthcare. The reason why I picked this topic is because I have family member that either stayed in a hospital, had an illness and/or transplant situation. In the past few years, the government had made big changes in their spending on health care. There is a constant battle with the new health-care bill passed this year. As a result, the government is having a hard time balancing out cost in this field. I feel that children are at risk the most because of the fact they cannot work. Many families do have private insurance to cover their children, but many don’t. This is because of the high unemployment rate in America. When the unemployed parent(s) can’t get insurance, they can go on government insurance, but for how long? Even if the child stays on all their 18 years, the government controls the plan.

To get a better understand of this, I hope to volunteer in the children field of health so I can see thro there point of view and possibly their families to see what their opinion is.

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Response to article

                                                                                                                                                  Pinkerton 1

One Faith, Many Cultures


About 35 years ago, Tampa Bay had a very small amount of Islam followers. Today there are so many followers that the city of Tampa/St. Pete created places of warship and thriving communities are starting to form. The population is estimated to be 10’s of thousands. Every Friday, about 300 to 400 worshipers attend prayer service. There are so many different backgrounds of ethic people.

 Moore, Waveney Ann “One Faith, Many Cultures St. Petersburg Times 8 Sept. 2010: Pg. 1

Tuesday, September 7, 2010

Civic Engagement Fair Review

My view on the Civil Engagement Fair is that there are many agencies and organizations out there that really care about making a difference in the community. Some examples of organizations focus on people (e.g. Bank of America & Big Brothers, Big Sisters) and other may focus on the environment (e.g. keep Pinellas beautiful & Ocean Conservancy.)

Due to early departures, I was not able to receive a lot of feedback from groups.

One of the main issues, I look forward to is, {If given the funding} where would the money be put to use in that organization. Some issues that should be addressed are…

1) Homelessness

2) Water Pollution

One of the biggest issues I see in the area is homelessness.

To resolve this issue the best way would write to a local agency that helps with homeless issues and see what the money can go towards to lower the population of homeless people.

Wednesday, September 1, 2010

Daily Writing September 1

Writing to explore is a phrase in which I believe means that you write to gain knowledge. Authors use it to explain their opinion/fact to the reader. I can use this method to explain the paper/essay which I am writing on. Writing to explore is different from writing to convince/inform because, you tell the reader to use their brain, instead of just using facts of today. The audience can be anyone you write to, such as children, teens to adults. Four qualities in "writing to explore" could be

1. Facts

2. Challenges in the paper

3. Opinions

4. Observations

These are just some examples in what I believe writing to explore could be. You have to stir the waters to make your writing good. I use this in my paper by asking questions or possibility adding my opinion where needed.
The rest of the semester I’m going to look for ways to improve my writing.